Baltic Countries’ Children Culture Festival: A mystical journey to the forest!

Free entry

Free summer workshop for 5-10 year olds

Guests are invited to an imaginary journey to the forest, where they will learn about wild animals in Estonian forests. The teachers of this workshop, Lemme Linda and Johanna, grew up in Estonia and as children they often visited the forest that was full of adventures and interesting things. Johanna and Lemme Linda invite you to an imaginary trip to the forest and tell you about wild animals and Estonian forests through pictures, action songs, quiz and forest crafts. Estonia is a relatively small country but is rich of wild and beautiful nature. In the Estonian forest you find animals such as wolfs, bears, moose, hares, wild boars, hedgehogs and other animals that do not live in Iceland.

Lemme Linda Saukas Ólafsdóttir is a music and language teacher and has recently finished her MA in Arts Education from the Iceland University of the Arts. Johanna Raudsepp has a MSc in Environment and Natural Resources from the University of Iceland. This is the last workshop held in connection to the Baltic counries’ children culture festival in the Nordic House that ends June 14th.

Please register by sending an email with your name and kennitala to


Baltimaade lastekultuurifestival: Müstiline matk metsa.

 Sissepääs tasuta

Tasuta töötuba 5-10 aastastele lastele.

Kutsume külalised mängult metsa matkama, et õppida üht-teist Eesti metsade ja neis elavate loomade kohta. Töötoa juhendajad Lemme Linda ja Johanna kasvasid üles Eestis ja käisid lapsena sageli koos vanematega metsas matkamas. Seal nägid ja tegid nad palju huvitavad ja sattusid vahel isegi seiklustesse. Nüüd soovivad nad ka teid väikesele metsamatkale kaasa kutsuda, teile loomades rääkida, pilte näidata, mõne laulu ja liikumismängu õpetada ja lõpuks teiega koos ühe paksu ürgmetsa meisterdada.

Lemme Linda Saukas Olafsdóttir on muusika- ja keeleõpetaja, lõpetamas kunstipedagoogika magistriõpet Islandi Kunstiülikoolis ja Johanna Raudsep õppis Islandi Ülikoolis keskkonnateadust ja tal on sel erialal MSc kraad.