Alle kan spille !
Elever fra internasjonal avdeling i Háteigsskóla åpner Barnekulturfestivalen med en minikonsert i inngangen til Nordens hus. Elevene har de siste ukene fått undervisning av musikeren Elham Fakouri, men de fleste av elevene har ikke hatt en formell musikalsk opplæring. Målet med konserten er å vise at gjennom ulike praksismetoder, lek og eksperimentering kan alle som vil skape og spille musikk.
Börnen har sjalf valgt vad dom ville spille. Nedanför finns liten text om vad dom skal spille.
Dromos by Manos Loizos is a popular and beloved Greek song which means “The Street” in English. It is one of the songs that are associated with the era of the dictatorship in Greece the years 1967-1974.
Dromos is a song that stirs the senses still today, and the singers who sing it in concerts always invite people to join their voices and sing along. It is rhythmic and vivid, meaningful and touching.
The street had its own history
someone wrote it on the wall, with paint
it was only one word, ‘freedom’
and then they said that it was written by kids
And then time passed and history went on
it passed easily from memory to the heart
the wall (now) said ‘unique chance!
inside are sold materials of any kind!’
Gratis inngang og alle er velkomne!
Se event har.