Uncertain Matter audio-walk
Uncertain Matter audio-walk
‘There is no need to build a labyrinth when the entire universe is one.’ – Jorge Luis Borges
Åben: 6. Marts mellem 17 og 19.
Bemærk: Medbring din egen smartphone og høretelefoner.
Uncertain Matter er en audio-walk af Ella Bertilsson (SWE) og Ulla Juske (ESK) i området omkring Nordens Hus. Audio-walk’en giver en unik mulighed for at opleve landskabet, samtidig med den indbyder til refleksion over de eksistentielle spørgsmål, der har optaget mennesker siden tidernes begyndelse.
Mens du går i området omkring Nordens Hus, vil du høre fortællinger fra udvalgte mennesker, kunstnerne har interviewet: amatørastronomer, astrofysikere og botanikere. Audio-fortællingerne forbindes med dine egne indtryk af landskabet, og der skabes derved en ny unik fortælling.
Efter udforskningen af området gennem audio-walk’en er alle besøgende velkomne i biblioteket til at give respons samt at høre kunstnerne fortælle om researchen bag projektet.
Kom forbi når du vil mellem 17 og 19 i biblioteket. Audio-walk’en tager omkring 30 min.
Eventen er gratis og vil foregå på engelsk.
About Uncertain Matter
Uncertain Matter contemplates on how to comprehend and define time. It explores boundaries between fact and fiction, challenges perception of time, our place in the universe and our future within it. Since the industrial revolution, people have become dependent on clocks and time
keeping. We all understand time for practical purposes, but the experience of time can also be subjective. Minutes can feel like hours; months can pass by so fast that it is hard to grasp.
The audio-narrative is based on numerous conversations with amateur astronomers, astrophysicists and botanists from Reykjavik and the surrounding area. The story that unfolds gives a personal insight to the thoughts and reflections of the people the artists has spoken to. The project evolved from a three-month residency with the Association of Icelandic Visual Artists in Reykjavik, Iceland (SIM). The project is funded by Nordic Culture Point Mobility Funding.
Ella Bertilsson completed a Masters of Fine Art with a first class honours in 2015 at NCAD (National College of Art and Design) in Dublin/ Ireland. She pursued Literature Studies during 2011-2012 at the University of Södertörns Högskola in Stockholm/Sweden. In 2009 she graduated with a Bachelors of Fine Art Print with a first class honours at NCAD. Bertilsson (b. Umeå/Sweden 1982) has been a member of the Black Church Print Studio since 2009 and Block T during 2015-2016. www.ellabertilsson.com
Ulla Juske (b.1986 in Pärnu/Estonia) completed a Masters at the Fine Art Media department in NCAD in 2014 and holds a BA in Fine Art Sculpture from the Estonian Academy of Arts in 2011. She is a member of the artist group SUHE in Estonia. She received the Adamson-Eric award for young artist in 2013 and the Young Artist Prize in 2011. She has been collaborating with Ella Bertilsson since 2014. Juske joined Block T during 2015-2016 and the Black Church Print Studio in 2016. www.juske.net