Ukrainians in Iceland: cup of coffee meeting #2

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Ukrainians in Iceland: cup of coffee meeting : ARE WE OK?

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has forced millions of Ukrainians to flee their homes in search of safety. Many have taken refuge in Iceland.  

Being away from home, in a foreign country with a new way of life and language, the need to communicate with compatriots is particularly acute. Nordic House would like to take part in forming a community of Ukrainians and support them in this difficult situation. Since we now have a Ukrainian curator on residence, Yuliia Sapiha, and with her moderation we would like to prepare some thematic meetings over a cup of coffee, to get to know each other, discuss topical issues and just have a good time.  

Starting in September and over a period of four months, we are planning a series of meetings. This meeting is the second in the series: 

Are we OK? 

25th October, 16:30 | Library 

The meeting will focus on mental health. A special guest ukrainian psychologist Oksana Nazarenko will help you deal with the signs of post-traumatic stress disorder and talk about how to get your life back in colour and start enjoying life here and now.

Як ти? 

25 жовтня, 16:30 | Бібліотека 

Зустріч буде присвячена ментальному здоров’ю. Спеціально запрошений психолог допоможе вам розпізнати ознаки посттравматичного синдрому та розповість про те, як повернути барви у життя і насолоджуватись ним тут і зараз. 

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