Oh, ho, ho – Liste begivenhed med Hege Tapio


Jamm, Namm, Sko, Oh begivenhedsserien er en udvidelse af kunstshowet. der finder sted i Det Nordiske Hus fra 1. december til 12. januar.

Hver søndag i advent var fokuseret på et specielt emne i forbindelse med den visuelle kunstudstilling Afsted! Nu er vi nået til sidste fase, og vi ser på løsningen eller Oh, ho, ho.

Den norske kunstner Hege Tapio holder foredrag om sit arbejde i Nordens Hus auditorium. Der lægges særlig vægt på værket “HUMANFUEL” og processen bag det.

„HUMANFUEL is presented as a response to the hunt for alternatives to fossil fuel and posits an obligation to embrace a larger perspective to the Anthropocene – to include the human form in the biological chain of recycling – through the proposal of using human fat to fuel vehicles.

The quest for vanity might flip the perspectives of extorting and excavating the world for its natural resources. Human body fat is an oil that can be rendered and burned very easily into fuel like any other oil. Bio-diesel is produced by transesterification of triglycerides with the aid of an alcohol such as ethanol or methanol, and a diesel engine can be powered by bio-diesel without substantial modifications. Fuel derived from fat will give approximately the same mileage as regular diesel.
In energy terms, the average BTU (British Thermal Unit) of a gallon of human body fat is actually 11% higher than the BTU of a gallon of diesel gasoline.”

Nánari upplýsingar um Humanfuel