Mýrin: Workshops, lectures and events
Workshops, lectures and events on Saturday 13th of October:
10:00 – 11:30 | STORY AND WORKSHOP
Marit Törnqvist (NL/SE) has illustrated many of Astrid Lindgren’s books, such as The Red Bird, from which she will read aloud. In the midst of a cold winter, two children follow a beautiful red bird into the forest. The bird takes them to a hidden world full of flowers, pancakes and happy children. In this workshop, we are making birds of paradise in all colours of the rainbow. Where do you want the birds to take you?
Children’s library | In Swedish with Icelandic interpretation | Registration by 11 Oct. | Age 7-11
10:00 – 11:30 | WORKSHOP
Now is your chance to participate in a real exhibition and see your painting on a wall! In this workshop, one of the walls in the adventurous exhibition Barnabókaflóðið (The Children’s Book Flood) will be decorated by the participating children, under the guidance of artist Jenny Lucander from Finland.
Exhibition space | In Swedish with Icelandic interpretation | Registration by 11 Oct. | Age 6-12
11:00 – 11:45 | SELECTED STORIES
The books of beloved Icelandic writer and illustrator Áslaug Jónsdóttir and writer Kristín Helga Gunnarsdóttir have found their way to the homes and hearts of many Icelanders. They have both been nominated for the Nordic Council Children and Young People’s Literature Prize 2018 and the authors will read from and talk about the nominated books, Kristín Helga’s Vertu ósýnilegur – Flóttasaga Ishmaels and Skrímsli í vanda by Áslaug Jónsdóttir, Kalle Güettler and Rakel Helmsdal.
Moderator: Snæbjörn Brynjarsson.
Are you ready for some gymnastics with the fantasy animals from the book ANIMALS NO-ONE HAS SEEN EXCEPT US? Can you stamp your feet like a Bombom? Try to fly like a Dagling and jump like a Hoppelig! After warming up, it’s time for a poetry massage, where the children and their parents give each other a massage to the rhythm and sound of the animal poetry. Under the guidance of Mikaela Wickström.
Blackbox | In Swedish with Icelandic interpretation| Registration by 11 Oct. | Age 4+ (accompanied by an adult)
12:30 – 13:00 | LECTURE
WHY READERS OF FANTASY ARE GOING TO SAVE THE WORLD – Siri Pettersen is the author of the Young Adult fantasy trilogy The Raven Rings. The third book came out in 2015, but the characters live on in the art of the devoted fans of the series.
In a convincing and entertaining lecture, Siri will explain what fantasy stories can say
about the real world. A homage to an often misunderstood genre.
Auditorium | In English | All ages from 13+
13:15 – 14:00 | SEMINAR
ICELANDIC CHILDRENS BOOK PUBLISHING – TODAY AND TOMORROW – What kind of books are published, translated and read? What do Icelandic children want
to read? With Þórdís Gísladóttir, Þórgerður Agla Magnúsdóttir (Angústúra), Marta Hlín Magnadóttir (Bókabeitan), Sigríður Kristjana Ingimarsdóttir (MA Editing and
Publishing) and representatives from the Hagaskóli Book Panel. Moderator is illustrator and artist Linda Ólafsdóttir.
Auditorium | In Icelandic
13:30 – 14:30 | FUNNY BIRD-WATCHING
Birdspotter and writer of the book Fuglar, Hjörleifur Hjartarson takes you out into the Moorland in search for odd birds, goofy geese and elegant swans (and maybe
some bird droppings on the way). After spotting the birds, it’s time for crafting them with the illustrator of Fuglar, Rán Flygenring.
Children’s library and greenhouse | In Icelandic | Registration by 11 Oct. | All ages
Guided tour through the exhibition THE CHILDREN’S BOOK FLOOD with the curator, writer and illustrator Kristín Ragna Gunnarsdóttir.
Exhibition space | In Icelandic | All ages
15:00 – 15:45 | DRAWING CONCERT
A very special event with illustrator Benjamin Chaud from France, known for his books about Little Bear, and Icelandic composer and music producer Kristín
Björk Kristjánsdóttir, a.k.a. Kira Kira. The audience will get a glimpse into how Benjamin’s stories take shape when he draws a new adventure live on stage to
musical improvisations by Kira Kira.
The exhibition DJUR SOM INGEN SETT UTOM VI (Animals No-One Has Seen Except Us) is based on the poetry picture book with the same title by author Ulf Stark (SE) and illustrator Linda Bondestam (FI). Bondestam’s original paintings invite us to a wonderful fantasy world with animals we have never seen before. We meet a Bombom, a Gulala and the Waiting-animals. The Seagigant, who shows the deep-sea fish the sun it caught at sunset and Quinellan, who finds a friend in its reflection in the water. DJUR SOM INGEN SETT UTOM VI is owned by Nordic Culture Point in Finland and produced by Bildmuseet in Umeå, Sweden. Vernissage with guided tour on 11 October at 16:00. On display from 9 October to 1 November, every day during opening hours of the Nordic House.
THE CHILDREN’S BOOK FLOOD is an interactive exhibition for children between 5-11 years, where the Midgard Serpent takes children on a creative journey from one place to another.Poems and stories build bridges between the places and the travellers make their own passports that they stamp at each new destination. Sail away on the Children’s Book Flood, create new stories and characters, crawl into The Book Mountain, make poems in The Poetry Cave, send a message in a bottle and search for a treasure on a faraway island. Read and listen to stories, draw, play and explore! The curator of Barnabókaflóðið is writer and illustrator Kristín Ragna Gunnarsdóttir. The exhibition is produced by the Nordic House and will be open until April 2019.