iucollect al fresco
Under DesignMarch 2021 skapar iucollect fyra scenarier runt staden Reykjavík. Var och en av scenarierna firar den efterlängtade interaktionen med publiken, underverk på de olika platserna i en stadsmiljö med landskap.
Installation- Vatnsmýri utanför Nordens hus 21.maj: 17:00–19:00
Närmare beskrivning av projektet på engelska:
The concept of iucollect al fresco seeks to engage the audience and each object with nature by creating a series of sanctuaries where the connection between place and object creates a setting for relaxation, awareness and connectedness. Adding architectural objects to our daily life scenarios gives the space a serene beauty and a material richness that transform these sites into quieter, more contemplative spaces.
The iucollect al fresco installation investigates the ways in which the connection between landscape, site and setting constructs the physical and emotional environment of an event, and ultimately alters the perception of the space and enables a new experience.
The body of work is launched during the design days from 21-24 May 2021. It evolves around a series of virtual scenarios on www.iucollect.is and physical scenarios set in different locations in Reykjavík.
Iucollect works across diverse media with an overall attraction towards a formal purity in natural materials, architectural objects, textiles, video and photography. Our work evolves around displaying a collection of items in different settings, varying the characteristics of each item without altering its fundamental concept. Each collection we create has a coherent style in a new setting, demonstrating the creative possibilities of revisiting the same idea infinite times.