Disaster Studios: Designing Resilience

Designing Resilience – Att designa motståndskraft

Disaster Studios utforskar samskapandet mellan katastrofriskforskning och design för att öka motståndskraften mot extrema händelser. Utställningen markerar lanseringen av projektet genom att introducera både den egenhostade servern och den energimedvetna webbplatsen.

Fullbeskrivning av projektet på engelska:

Both design and disaster risk management are agents of transformation, set out to identify, understand and change systems for the better. Disaster Studios is initiated by disaster risk researcher Uta Reichardt and designer Johanna Seelemann. The project explores ways to design resilience, collect and generate works that reduce disaster risk. It provides a compass for transdisciplinary collaboration.

Currently, the energy supply for internet infrastructures contributes to global CO2 emissions as much as global air traffic, perpetuating climate change and increased disaster risk. Clean energy and disaster resilience are thus closely connected. Through the presented work, Disaster Studios emphasizes this link between information and its ecological impact. The project website combines energy-conscious standards and data volume transparency. The server is self-hosted in Iceland and powered through renewable energies.

During DesignMarch 2021, the exhibition will be on display in the greenhouse of the Nordic House.



Johanna Seelemann

Uta Reichardt

Daniele Misso

Gregorio Gonella

Alexandra Mjöll Young