The Backpack of Wings: Sensory Networks – FREE WORKSHOP
16:00 - 19:00
We invite you to join our workshop The Backpack of Wings: Sensory Networks by Hyeseon Jeong and Seongmin Yuk.
The workshop “The Backpack of Wings: Sensory Networks” invites the participants to collectively create an imaginary storytelling, by looking into the GPS data from migratory birds. The bird’s geographical information tells not only about their biological behaviour, but also reveals the correlation between human activities. The workshop addresses to open up a possibility of using the bio-geo tracking technology as a tool for communion, and not to stay in the level of understanding the species.
Driving the Human is a catalyst for experimentation, shaping sustainable and collective futures that combine science, technology, and the arts in a transdisciplinary and collaborative approach. From 2020 to 2023, Driving the Human develops and produces seven tangible prototypes responding to complex contemporary scenarios. One of them, The Backpack of Wings: Modern Mythology represents the speculative future scenarios, which are collisions and integrations between a bio-geo tracking technology for wild animals in scientific fields and an animism in seismic disaster myth in East Asia.
As we have limited space registration is needed. Please register to secure a spot.
Hyeseon Jeong is interested in social phenomena of digitalization, new power/network structures, and decentralisation. Her work engages with a wide range of themes, from scientific approaches to political issues. She has generated non-linear narratives by translating and reconstructing the research content from various fields, in a maximization of fictions, radioplay, videos and sounds, entangled under a theme, and then exhibited as part of exhibitions, festivals and sound performances. She is currently studying at Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Seongmin Yuk is an artist, interested in notions of de(re)constructing boundaries, space and physical embodiment, interdependent perception, transboundary, posthumanity, and digital transhumanity. Seongmin Yuk looks for the possible nodes networking through those notions, (de)composes the intersections through his videos, performances, installations, and constructed spaces. He is currently studying at Academy of Media Arts Cologne.