SHOPTALK #1 med Þorbjörg Jónsdóttir & Lee Lorenzo Lynch
Hva er egentlig “Shoptalk”? Det er ikke en typisk kunstnersamtale. I motsetning til tradisjonelle kunstnersamtaler, der kun visuelle kunstnere deltar på scenen for å diskutere deres verker og prosesser, utvider “Shoptalk” horisonten for å vise frem musikere, dansere, koreografer og et mangfoldig utvalg av andre kreative utøvere. Målet med denne serien er å sikre høy tilgjengelighet for å gjøre “Shoptalk” til en plattform for alle, om du så er en kunstentusiast, en profesjonell kunstner eller bare er nysgjerrig.
Hver måned presenterer vi en kreativ utøver som gir et forlokkende glimt inn i deres unike verden av kreativitet.
Vi inviterer deg til å bli med oss på det første arrangementet i denne serien, som finner sted 21. september i Nordens Hus. Arrangementet varer i 90 minutter, i løpet av den tiden vil Lee og Þorbjörg diskutere sine verker, etterfulgt av en engasjerende spørsmålsrunde.
Ikke gå glipp av denne muligheten
Inngang er gratis og alle er velkomne.
Arrangementet vil være på engelsk.
Þorbjörg Jónsdóttir and Lee Lorenzo Lynch are documentary and narrative filmmakers and artists who work both separately and apart. This evening they will talk about their process and screen excerpts from works in progress. These include Þorbjörg’s forthcoming documentary Coca Dulce Tabaco Frio shot on 16mm in the Colombian jungle, a film that explores the indigenous cultures’ religious beliefs surrounding the sacred coca plant. Lee will screen clips from his newest essay film Twilight Economy, which is a part of a series of work that explores the theme of life imitating film and television. This new entry details the failing tourist economy in small town Forks Washington (where the Twilight Saga is set), and misrepresentation of the Quiliute Indians who are portrayed as werewolves and have been thrown into the cultural zeitgeist without their consent. Together the two filmmakers will screen an excerpt from their new collaborative film titled There Once Was a Puffin, about the effects of global warming on Iceland’s Puffin population, as well as a clip from their upcoming historical Viking epic In the Land of Meadows, a hybrid film based on the Vinland Sagas.
Þorbjörg Jónsdóttir is an experimental filmmaker from Iceland who holds an MFA degree in filmmaking from CalArts and a BA degree in visual arts from the Iceland University of the Arts. Her films navigate between ethnography and abstract formalism, exploring preternatural states where oral-mythology and landscape collide. Þorbjörg’s films and video installations have screened both in galleries and film festivals in Europe, Asia and the US, at venues such as CPH:DOX, IMAGES Festival, JEONJU Film Festival, Alchemy Film Festival, and LACMA.
Raised in Redding, California, Lee Lorenzo Lynch (1980) has been making films since the age of 13. He holds a BFA in Film from California Institute of the Arts and an MFA in Fine Art from the University of Southern California. His films have shown at FIDMarseille, International Film Festival Rotterdam, Full Frame, The Viennale, Tribeca, and Sundance. His second feature length film, The Murder of Hi Good, is a true crime revisionist acid-western set in Northern California circa 1870 against the backdrop of the California Indian Wars.
ACCESSIBILITY: This event will be held in English. The Auditorium and bathrooms are wheelchair accessible. Bathrooms are gender-neutral.
Curator: Elham Fakouri
Graphic Design: Janosch Kratz