Valg i Grønland
12:00 - 13:15
Valg i Grønland
Åpent seminar arrangert av Centre for Arctic Policy Studies og Norden i fokus, torsdag 12. april kl. 12.00 – 13.15 i Nordens Hus.
Moderator: Sigurður Ólafsson prosjektleder i Nordens Hus
Greenland: when geopolitics took over politics
- Damien Degeorges is a Reykjavík-based consultant who has been following Greenlandic affairs for more than 15 years. He was also a freelance correspondent for the Greenlandic newspaper Atuagagdliutit/Grønlandsposten and taught international politics at the University of Greenland.
What are the elections about?
- Unnur Brá Konráðsdóttir was a member of the Icelandic parliament from 2009 – 2017, for the Independence Party. She was elected President of the Parliament in 2017 and was chairman of the West Nordic Council of Iceland 2013-2016. Unnur Brá was recently appointed by the prime minister as an assistant to the government in charge of the constitutional review.
The importance of the election and the next generation
- Tukumminnguaq Nykjær Olsen is a graduate student at the University of Greenland, she is a native greenlander from Qaanaaq, Greenland and taking one semester at the University of Akureyri in Polar Law. She is a active member of Global Indigenous Youth Caucus in the United Nations and is a former Chairman of the political active student organization ILI ILI.
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